Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Jelly Bean Theory

Years back I noticed that all car designers where making the corners of their designs rounded. Hence, my jelly bean theory that shortly you won't be able to distingush between a honda and a jaguar. Have you seen a new Jag? Minus the hood ornement to me it looks just like a Toyota Corrolla. Everything looking similiar.
I think we're witnessing the same event in the presidential race. What's the difference between Hillary and McCain. I don't see much.
I ran across a writer from the Rocky Mtn. news. Paul Campos. Here's his quote regarding McCain. "All this would be merely amusing if McCain were not a genuinely tragic figure. The young man who showed so much courage in the face of his North Vietnamese tormentors has become an old man whose courage abandoned him when subjected to the more subtle tortures of worldly ambition."
Whether it's Feingold/McCain, Kennedy/McCain, the Keating 5 I just don't see core values. He was dead wrong on imigration. Without licking his finger and holding it in the wind where would he lead us?