Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Jelly Bean Theory

Years back I noticed that all car designers where making the corners of their designs rounded. Hence, my jelly bean theory that shortly you won't be able to distingush between a honda and a jaguar. Have you seen a new Jag? Minus the hood ornement to me it looks just like a Toyota Corrolla. Everything looking similiar.
I think we're witnessing the same event in the presidential race. What's the difference between Hillary and McCain. I don't see much.
I ran across a writer from the Rocky Mtn. news. Paul Campos. Here's his quote regarding McCain. "All this would be merely amusing if McCain were not a genuinely tragic figure. The young man who showed so much courage in the face of his North Vietnamese tormentors has become an old man whose courage abandoned him when subjected to the more subtle tortures of worldly ambition."
Whether it's Feingold/McCain, Kennedy/McCain, the Keating 5 I just don't see core values. He was dead wrong on imigration. Without licking his finger and holding it in the wind where would he lead us?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Jimmy Robison Visits Boise

Welcome to Captain Jack's World

Boise, Idaho Feb. 2, 2008 Jack Snyder Political Correspondence of A Free Idaho
I attended the Obama rally held on the campus of Boise State University to hear Obama’s message. Introduced by the former Governor of Idaho Cecil Andrus a man I have utmost respect for he lived up to his reputation was an orator in a rousing 46 minutes speech.
I was fully aware that Obama liberally sprinkled his speeches with the use of the words, Hope, Change and Believe. I wasn’t prepared to hear his use of the word Wait which was used 10 tens in emphasizing his position that we can’t “Wait for Change.” He also elegantly used a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King that “In the fiery urgency of now…”, we need change and of course he was the man to provide such change. Why now. Of course,” This is a defining moment in history.”
However, he explained that he was not running for the highest office out of ambition or because it was owed him but because he was the man to change how it all runs.
His only faux pox was one misspoken comment about where the rally was being held. Yes, he dropped the “I” bomb, “Iowa.” He quickly corrected his mistake by saying, “Yes there too.” I can of course forgive him for this mistake, as it was mostly a mature audience and we’ve all heard the word used before.
He did give proper credit to the founding fathers when explaining that “Hope is not blind optimism” but what the founding father held when carving out this nation. While exuding optimism he was realistic in his assessment that “Change is Hard, but unless someone is willing to hope, things can’t change.”
Note to anyone attending a future Obama rallies; make use you’re up on the use of the words and the meaning. At times I wasn’t use if he was hoping for change or changing for hope.
Now are you ready for his platform? Yes, he’s going to give you everything you ever wanted for free!!
He’s big on education. His platform includes raising teachers’ salaries, providing more early childhood education, lowering tuition, throwing out all standardized tests and give every college kid $4,000 per year. In fairness he said each kid had to volunteer to help America. He not only promised help in the education of reading, math and science but throw money in for arts and poetry. This surprisingly brought the biggest round of applause. I’m not kidding. Arts and poetry. And I thought the Chinese were beating our brains in economically through engineering and science. Maybe I got it wrong, the answer must be more arts and poetry. I not sure there’s a large export market for this, but what do I know.
The war. Simple answer, Cut and run. His administration however would not be afraid to negotiate with the bogeymen of the world. But, of course we wouldn’t negotiate out of fear.
The economy. Raise the minimum wage ever day if necessary not just once in a while. Every one working in America should earn a “Living Wage”. I’m not against this concept, don’t get me wrong, but should teenager working at McDonalds make it a career?
Health Care. It’s for everyone. If you can’t afford it we’ll subsidize you, and at the same time lower premiums for employers. Now that would really be magic.
Housing crisis. Extra mortgage deductions. Whatever that means.
Raise the taxes on the rich. I hope there’s a whole bunch of new wealth created with the earlier platform. We’re really going to need a lot more rich people if we’re ever going to pay for all this.
Finally a position I can agree with him on. He’s not going to take away my gun. He’s strong on second amendment rights!
He also took a short time to ridicule the politics of fear. He’s expressed he was a Christian man and believed in Jesus. He explained he was raised by a single mother and pledge allegiance to America.
He somehow avoided the issue of illegal immigration.
I have no doubt in my heart that the man wants a better America. I believe he’s sincere in his appeal.
It has been since 1960 that an active presidential candidate was campaigned in Idaho. JFK stopped in Lewiston, Idaho in 1960. I think its great Obama didn’t overlook us. Frankly I proud to think he cared enough to spend some time with us Idahoans. I wish him the best. I was most moved by the turn out, the local press reported it at 14, 600. I know the pavilion held more that that.
I’m glad there are people who care about the direction of this great land. I say let the debate continue.